Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

The Cup of Gold, by Samuel Carter Hall


The Committee of West-Indian Proprietors have agreed to present to the Marquis of Chandos, their Chairman, a splendid Gold Cup, in token of gratitude for his exertions in retarding the progress of Slave-Emancipation. The following is respectfully submitted as an appropriate Inscription for the same, by S. C. Hall.


Behold this Cup! -- this Cup of Gold! 
  That freemen to a freeman gave!
Formed at rich cost, -- a price untold! 
    The sinews of the Slave!

Drink, Chandos! 'Tis a noble draught, 
A richly-crimsoned flood!
Nay, start not ere the stream be quaff'd,
Drink! -- 'tis a Brother's blood!

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