Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

The Negro is Free, by James Montgomery


Imitated from Moore's sacred melody, "Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea."


Blow ye the trumpet abroad o'er the sea,
Britannia hath triumphed, the Negro is free; 
Sing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken,
  His scourges and fetters, all clotted with blood,
Are wrenched from his grasp;--for the word was but spoken,
  And fetters and scourges were sunk in the flood:
Blow ye the trumpet abroad o'er the sea,
Britannia hath triumphed, the Negro is free.
Hail to Britannia, fair Liberty's isle!
Her frown quailed the tyrant, the slave caught her smile;
Fly on the winds to tell Afric the story;
  Say to the Mother of mourners, "Rejoice!"
Britannia went forth in her beauty, her glory,
  And slaves sprang to men at the sound of her voice:
Praise to the God of our fathers;--'twas He,
Jehovah, that triumphed, my Country, by Thee.

James Montgomery.


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