Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

The Set Time, by John Holland

At length -- O glorious hope! the time is set, 
  When the longshackled slave shall go forth Free
  When the great year of Negro Jubilee
Shall cancel -- and for ever, that foul debt,
Of which, O shame! shame! shame! Britannia held --
  For centuries held, the bloody mortgage deeds: 
  Haste Freedom's year, for Mercy's bosom bleeds, 
Till this unrighteous strife with Heaven be quelled.
The time is set -- Philanthropy unites 
  With Piety, that coming day to greet,
  When the freed Black, at his Redeemer's feet, 
Shall with the white man kneel: sight of all sights 
Desired so long: how bright the glimpse appears,
To saints' and patriots' eye through intervening years!

John Holland.


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