Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

A Christian Negro's Thanks and Prayer, by Bernard Barton

O Father of the human race!
  The white, the black, the bond, the free; 
Thanks for thy gift of heavenly grace,
  Vouchsafed, through Jesus Christ, to me.

This, 'mid oppression's every wrong,
  Has borne my sinking spirit up; 
Made sorrow joyful, -- weakness strong,
  And sweetened Slavery's bitter cup.

Hath not a Saviour's dying hour
  Made e'en the yoke of thraldom light?
Hath not thy Holy Spirit's power
  Made bondage freedom; -- darkness bright?

Thanks, then, O Father! for the gift,
  Which through thy Gospel Thou hast given; 
Which thus from bonds and earth can lift
  The soul to liberty and Heaven.

But not the less I mourn THEIR shame, 
  Who, mindless of Thy gracious will,
Call on a Father's -- Saviour's name,
  Yet keep their brethren bondsmen still!

Forgive them, Lord! for Jesus' sake;
  And since THE SLAVE Thou hast unbound, --
The chains which bind the OPPRESSOR -- break,
  And be Thy love's last triumph crowned!

Bernard Barton

4th of 5th Mo. 1826.

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