Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

A Negro-Mother's Cradle-Song, by Bernard Barton

Sleep, my child! and might the prayer 
Of thy mother's dark despair
Be accepted for thy sake,-
'Twere that thou no more shouldst wake,

Though a mother's love be mine, 
And a daughter's fondness thine, 
Yet, for thee, a parent's breath 
Craves the boon of early death.

Worse to live a helpless slave, 
Than to fill an early grave; 
Better far the silent tomb,
Than the captive's hopeless doom.

White man's cruelty and lust 
Cannot harm the lifeless dust; 
Powerless the oppressor's rod, 
Brandished o'er a senseless clod.

Ruthless lash, and galling chain, 
Ceaseless tasks-performed with pain, 
Nights of sorrow, days of toil--
These have made my life their spoil.

Such, with life, must be thy lot; 
Dying-thou shalt know them not;- 
O, be thine, all fetters breaking,
Sleep that knows on earth no waking!

Bernard Barton

4th of 6th Mo. 1826.


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