Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Letter from William Knibb to Mary Anne Rawson (English MS 414/58)

London June 11th 1826

My dear friend

I received with much pleasure
your letter this month and hasten[?] to reply.
The appropriation[?] of the 50 pounds so kindly
given by the friends to whom you refer
shall be after left to their [decision?] after
you have stated to them my proposal
I shall feel a pleasure in call g it by the
name of [?] Thompson, and I have
already engaged a young lady to take
charge of the School[?], hoping that should
I not be permitted to appropriate this
Sum, I shall not fail of assistance in a
cause in which the future welfare
both of Jamaica and of Africa
are so nearly associated
as I hope to have the pleasure of
a [?] [interview?] with the kind
donors [ere?] I leave for Jamaica I shall
not now enter more fully into
particulars. With the assistance
I could obtain from Jamaica I
[would?] like to [conduct?] such a School
as I desire to see established, including
the maintenance of a few rescued
Africans for 100 pounds per annum
and without any maintenance
for 40.

With much respect
I am
Yours very affy
William Knibb

Ms M A Rawson

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