Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Sonnet, by Eliza Conder

These lines refer to a well-attested circumstance which occurred in Egypt.

With speed as of the ocean-wind there fled
A shuddering captive from the impending stroke, 
Whose lash adds scorpions to the bondsman's yoke; 
And, gaining on his wild, despairing tread,
That scorpion-lash was near. No pity woke 
For thee, lost fugitive! No refuge led
To hope: there was no mercy to invoke; 
Nor faith for thee her sanctuary spread. 
Even at that latest moment, in his path,
A child whose form the hues of England wore, 
The fainting victim saw. He stooped and bore 
Him in his arms: --then faced the avenger's wrath. 
His tyrants owned the eloquent appeal;
And, with his pardon, stamped on Britain's power the seal.

Eliza Conder,


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