Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

"Praise waits for Thee in Zion, Lord!", by James Douglas

"Praise waits for Thee in Zion, Lord!" 
The earth, the sky, the sea
Shall ring responsive to the chord 
Of heavenly minstrelsy,
When forth shall go Thy mighty word, 
That sets the captive free.

Kings are deceitful -- statesmen vain -- 
Senates a baseless trust; --
Much reckon they on gold and gain, 
Little -- on what is just;
Their thoughts return to air again, 
Their bodies to the dust.

We pass them by as idle things, 
Like foam upon the wave,
We turn to Thee, O King of kings, 
Thou, who alone canst save;
The hand, the dead to life that brings, 
Shall liberate the slave.

"Praise waits for Thee in Zion, Lord!" 
"To Thee vows paid shall be,"
All lands their increase shall afford 
An offering unto Thee,
When home the exile is restored, 
And when the earth is free.

James Douglas

Cavers, 27th April, 1833.

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