Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Compensation for the Slave, by Thomas F. Buxton

"For yet imperfect is the work of Love."

(Extract from a Letter to the Editor.)

"A mighty work is accomplished so far as this country is concerned: -- a mighty effect remains to be produced on the other side of the Atlantic. How many in England wait and watch for the result with intense anxiety and interest! For myself, I feel that the main business of my life is now brought to an end,-- an end which, great as are its imperfections, excites in me the deepest thankfulness. May a blessing indeed be now with it! and may a blessing also richly descend on the nation which has made so noble a sacrifice for the cause of justice! All that remains for us to do is to endeavour cordially to render both the people of England and the negroes contented with it, and to do our utmost for the religious education and instruction of the latter. To this last object I hope all our energies will be directed.

Let us not forget how much we may contribute to the perfect success of this great measure. The more I hear and read, the more I am convinced that the negro race are blessed with rather a peculiar aptitude for the reception of moral and religious instruction; and it does seem to me, that there never was a stronger call on any nation than there is now on this to meet this inclination in them; to supply them amply with the means of instruction; to despatch missionaries; to institute schools; and to send out Bibles. It is the only compensation in our power, and it is an abundant one! May we in this manner recompense all the sorrows and sufferings we have inflicted, and be the means of making, in the end, their barbarous removal from their own land the greatest of blessings to them! I am cheered indeed by hearing the note of preparation on many sides: various denominations of Dissenters are preparing their emissaries; the Established Church, I trust, will not be behind; and the Wilberforce subscriptions, which, after the erection of a monument, are to be applied to the foundation of some institution in the West Indies which shall be a more appropriate memorial than marble, will I trust be widely patronized."

T. F. Buxton.

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