Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Letter from Thomas Raffles to Mary Anne Rawson (English MS 415/190)

Nov 9. 1833.
My dear Mrs. Rawson,

I found your Letter, along
with many others, waiting my
arrival on my return from
Scotland (where I have recently
been in a missionary tour) the
latter end of last week: &
my purpose then was to do
my best to meet the wishes
it expressed. But on Monday[?]
last it pleased our Heavenly
Father to visit us with a
severe domestic affliction
at 5 in the morning of that
day, that fell disease the
Croup in its severest form,
seized our youngest Child,
and at noon he died --
the visitation has fallen
heavily upon us -- so that
I have been quite in capacitated
for any occupation similar
to that to which your letter
calls me: & now I find
myself so oppressed with
public & pastoral business
accumulated during my
late journey & present
domestic trial, that I
cannot direct my attention 
to any thing but ^that which is
worth[?] pressing[?] & imperative
in its claims. Indeed I 
never had any taste or
tact for that kind of writing
which your professed volume
requires. I have had the
misfortune it is true to scribble
to scribble a few lines of rhyme
but this has only ?
when the rhyme came --
I never invited it.
I never could com:
mand it -- & might sit the
whole day in vain endeavours
to string a few couplets together
on any subjects that should
be given to me for this purpose.
You must therefore place no
dependence upon me. If,
contrary to my expectations,
anything that I may have
the vanity to think suitable
should occur, in time, I will
send it
-- & if not -- I do
earnestly pray that my
Sin of omission may not
be deemed by you unpardon-
Mrs R. joins me
in kind
regards to yourself
& worthy family,
and I remain
my dear Mrs. Rawson
Yrs very truly
Th. Raffles

Mrs. Rawson

Mrs. W. Rawson,
Joseph Read Esq,
near Sheffield

[postage stamp:]
LIVERPOOL | NO 9 | 1833

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