Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Letter from Thomas Fowell Buxton to Mary Anne Rawson (English MS 415/117)

Dear Madam

I am almost ashamed to address you at all after my long apparent neglect of your kind Favour & of the beautiful Book you were so good as to send me. I need not say I have been interested in it & admire the Execution & putting together of it. The only part which disgrace it is my Letter & must say it makes a most contemptible figure among its far superior Neighbours -- I have been extremely engaged of late on a Subject of new Interest -- the state of the Natives in our Colonies & this must be my Excuse for my long Silence. I send you a Paper on the 1st of August I cannot refuse myself the pleasure of telling you though a purely private Interest, that my eldest Daughter is to be married on that Day -- which every thing therefore combines to render most memorable to me --

I am Dear Madam
Yr faithful Servt

T. F. Buxton
July 11, 1834

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