Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Untitled poem by Elizabeth Walker (English MS 415/134)

He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted
to preach deliverance to the Captives -- & recovering of light
to the blind to set at liberty them that bruised
to preach the acceptable year of the Lord -- Luke 4th chapter
18 & 19th verses

Lest! to that deep despairing groan, that frantic cry of woe!
Gaze on those looks of agony, those scalding tears that flow
flash! 'tis the clank of Slav'ry's chain, they forge each ? fast
One parting, hopeless look of love -- Ah! Captive, 'tis thy last!!
Now swiftly o'er the briny deep the fatal vessel flies,
No light of day, no breath of Heav'n, to mingle with their sighs
Unheeded flow those bitter tears, e'en Pity[?] weeps in vain
Alas! the depth of human woe -- they ne er will smile again!
Thro' years of piercing agony, we hear the sad low moan
or cutting last, or cruel scourge ??? the deeper groan
Then mem'ry pictures home, & wife. Ah! can he e'er forget?
His children too, can they be slaves? More bitter anguish yet?
Towards Heav'n the clasped hands are raised the woe[?] worn ? eye
God pity Thee!! poor suff'ring one! from Man no aid is nigh
Yet cheer, oh cheer thee hapless Slave -- thy Tyrants ? is o'er
Thou'st hast'ning to that happy Land, where He can set[?] no more
Th' indignant heart has burst in twain -- its last warm streaming-
Appeals from mans base treachery -- to a heart searching[?] God!
Thou Lord! hast heard the Captives prayers, hast set his Spirit
Captive, but in the bonds of love, he dwells in bliss with thee!!
How rouse[?] thee Albions! ah how long has been thy dreamy
sleep --
Shall Africs children still be Slaves "still drag those chains
& weep."
Britons!! oh Liberty is yours oh Liberty you prize --
Then claim it, for you fetterd Slave, who now in anguish
lies --
A Light, the star of Hope & Joy, has o'er th' Atlantic shone
Shall it be quench'd in deeper night -- shall Hope's bright
gleam be gone?
Ah! no! let ev'ry heart respond -- be firm, press on & prove
What British hands & hearts can do, when sway'd by
Christian love!!



she hath done what she could! --

April 3rd 1933 --

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