Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Letter from Thomas Moore to Mary Anne Rawson (English MS 415/161)

Sloperton Cottage
March 24 1826.


You do me but justice in supposing that I
feel deeply interested in the cause for which you are so laudably
exerting yourself; & it gives he great pain to be obliged, from the
peculiar circumstances in which I am placed, to withhold the ^sort of asis=
tance which you do me the honour to think should afford you. Being
exposed to a variety of applications of this kind (though for far less
interesting purposes) I have been obliged to adopt a general resolution
not & contribute to any work of the nature of yours, whatever. In pursu=
ance of this determination I was compelled, some time ago, to refuse the
request of Dr. Montgomery that I would write something for his work in
aid of the Chimney Sweepers -- a work, which both from my admiration
of the Editor's genius, and my interest in the benevolent object he had in
view, I should have been most happy to assist to the utmost of my power.
This will, I trust, be a sufficient apology for the necessity which
I find myself under of adopting the same conduct with respect to you.

I have the honour to be your much
obliged Servant
Thomas Moore

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