Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Revision narrative: Montgomery revising Townley

Montgomery's mention of 'D. Townley' is wrong -- it is James Townley's article. (D. Townley is his wife Dinah, who also published pieces in the anthology.) Rawson did follow Montgomery's suggestion to change the wording in his piece, although she did use his suggested title. Townley's original phrase 'Divine Providence, however, on the retirement of the former Parliamentary Friend of Negro emancipation from public life, raised up Buxton, the honourable and zealous successor of his laborious career in the British Senate, and where his great, and truly patriotic efforts, supported, latterly, by the Ministers of the Crown, and several talented Noblemen and Commoners, have eventually been crowned with triumphant success, by the act of 1833.----'

Townley titled his piece 'Revelation Subversive of Slavery', and Rawson's fair copy did not have a title (English MS 414/74). The published version is titled 'Abolition of Slavery'.

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