Mary Anne Rawson's The Bow in the Cloud (1834): A Scholarly Edition

Townsend authorial note

[authorial note: Explanatory quotation from the eighth Report of the Birmingham and West Bromwich Ladies' Negro-Friend Society: --

"On the day of our present meeting, the 11th of April, we are expecting with intense anxiety the disclosure of the "safe and satisfactory" plan for the abolition of Slavery, which his Majesty's Ministers have declared their intention of disclosing to Parliament on the 23d instant, and we earnestly hope that it will be satisfactory, to the wise, the just, and the good, and not to the unjust, the unprincipled, and the misjudging." -- P. 14.

This safe and satisfactory plan is now postponed till May 14th, when the final election must be made by the Reformed Parliament, between the oppressor and the oppressed -- between the Slave-master and his unoffending Victim -- between those who acknowledge the true God, the God of justice and mercy, who loveth the stranger, and those who remove Him far out of their sight.]

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